American Idol5.1

American Idol

Each year, hopeful singers from all over the country audition to be part of one of the biggest shows in American television history. Who will become the new American Idol?

SezonBölüm sayısıYayınlanma tarihi
Season 1252002-06-11
Season 2392003-01-21
Season 3452004-01-19
Season 4422005-01-18
Season 5412006-01-17
Season 6412007-01-16
Season 7422008-01-15
Season 8402009-01-13
Season 9432010-01-12
Season 10392011-01-19
Season 11402012-01-18
Season 12372013-01-16
Season 13392014-01-15
Season 14302015-01-07
Season 15242016-01-07